There has been a strong interest in rural property for the last two years, driven by factors such as the pandemic, people staying at home more often and wanting to expand their living space, as well as the desire to escape the stressful urban environment, to find peace and be closer to nature. Dace Sīle and Elīna Zālīte-Saulriete, Sales Consultants at Latvia Sotheby’s International Realty, talk about what to consider when choosing a potential property, as well as the current situation in the premium segment.

Increasingly, people are choosing to focus more on spending quality time with themselves and their families. They want to organise their day in a calm and harmonious way, without rushing, rushing, rushing, crowds of people. And to ensure this, people choose rural properties close to water, forests, large trees and open countryside, where they can let their day begin peacefully.

Evaluate proximity to nature, property condition and history

One of the most important aspects that a potential buyer considers when choosing a rural property is its location. Preference is generally given to properties with no neighbours within sight, properties near water and properties with farmland and woodland. The condition of the property should also be mentioned – whether it has been maintained, whether repairs have been carried out, whether everything is in working order and whether the new owner will need to make significant investments to put the property in order in the near future. Many people are also interested in the history of the properties and appreciate the stories behind them.

As for premium farmhouses, more and more of them are appearing on the market lately – very beautiful and exclusive properties, including manor houses.

What should potential buyers consider?

When buying a countryside property, there are a number of things to consider, such as the purpose of the purchase, whether you need a house in the countryside, whether it will just be a summer house or whether you want to move there permanently. Whether all family members decide and agree to live in the countryside, or whether there is someone who is not attracted to the countryside. Is the rural property for living in, or for living in and having your own business. However, if the property is purchased by a family with parents working in Riga, children at school or in kindergarten, then rural properties within a 100 km radius of Riga, which are most often purchased as holiday homes, will be more suitable. If the active working period is over, properties can also be located further afield.

In terms of prices, the most common price range for a premium rural property is between EUR 300 000 and EUR 1 000 000 on average, but it all depends on the client’s budget, needs and the extent to which the property meets the buyer’s requirements.

What every potential buyer should take into account is the knowledge that a country property is not only about peace and relaxation, but also a lot of work in maintaining and looking after the property. Each person should consider whether it will be possible to carry out this work themselves or whether they should hire staff to keep the property tidy. Similarly, if the property is used as a holiday home, one should not forget about security – how the property will be guarded, whether there will be a person living on site or whether the services of a security company will be used, because it is clearly not advisable to leave a rural property unattended.

Also, if the potential buyer’s means do not reach the price of the property and bank financing is needed, it should be realised from the outset that a larger initial financial investment on the buyer’s part is likely to be required, given that very often rural properties are not valued according to their sale price, so the buyer should be clear about his budget and his ability to buy the property.

What should property sellers consider?

An important aspect for anyone selling a rural property is that the buildings must be in good order, repaired or cosmetically improved. However large the garden and yard may be, it must be well maintained and kept tidy so that the buyer enjoys the backyard. A tidy environment makes you and others feel better.

Also, the buildings in the property must be put into use with inventory files that correspond to the facts. It is typical of rural properties that, in addition to the dwelling, there is often a shed, barn, cowshed or cellar. Outside, these structures must be cleared of excess, tidied up and cleaned.

Another important aspect is for the owner to be aware of what else is being sold apart from the buildings and land – furniture and appliances (garden, household).

Latvia’s most unique premium countryside properties

While each property is unique, with its own story and vision, the available premium countryside properties have one important thing in common – they are all maintained and cared for to a very high standard. The current owners have devoted a great deal of time and resources to making them what they are.

Kalna Alitēni homestead in Ineši municipality, Cesis district. The house is situated in a quiet, picturesque location near the Ineši Lake, the Kaudzīši brothers museum and the Cirsti Manor. The log house on both floors retains an old-world atmosphere, complemented by a number of antique, restored furniture and interior objects.

Alitēni Estate, where you will be surrounded by silence, fresh air, beautiful landscapes and unspoilt surroundings. This property is also located in the Cēsis district, just a few kilometres from Lake Ines. The interior of the house has been designed to preserve the historical values and the breath of antiquity runs through every room. The view from the terrace and balcony of the house will allow you to forget in an oasis of nature and peace.

Country estate “Stumbri”, in the parish of Medze in the South Kurzeme region, where you can spend a leisurely and peaceful everyday life. The property is located in a picturesque location just 15 km from the centre of Liepaja. The area is fully landscaped with a spacious garden area. The layout of the rooms in the building is designed to take into account the sky, on the south-west side there is a terrace with a seating area, overlooking the garden and a created backyard pond.

Property “Mežvidi”, Kabile parish, Kuldīga municipality. The property is located on the bank of the Riežupe cliff with landscaped area surrounded by forest. The building was built during the Ulmanis as a post office, forestry, shop and a small cinema hall on the site of the old tsarist forestry. In 2013 the building was completely renovated. Although the property has recently been sold, it is definitely among the most remarkable Latvian rural properties.