Receipt of the temporary residence permit by acquiring the immovable property in the Republic of Latvia

We offer information regarding receipt of a Temporary Residence Permit by acquiring the immovable property in Latvia.

General information

Residence permit is a document, giving a right for a foreigner to stay in the Republic of Latvia for a certain period of time (temporary residence permit).

Temporary residence permit (hereinafter – TRP) may be received if a foreigner has acquired and he or she owns one or several immovable properties in the Republic of Latvia. TRP is issued for a term not exceeding 5 years with a further possibility to prolong it for the new period, provided that the immovable property is in the property of the investor.

TRP gives the right to live permanently within the territory of Latvia as well as a right to free movement and stay in all countries of the Schengen area. Period of stay in the countries of the Schengen area is up to 90 days within half a year.

Persons, who have received TRP, do not have to permanently stay in Latvia. However, if a person, who has received a residence permit wants, he or she may live in Latvia for the whole year.  For a TRP to be valid, an annual registration of the TRP has to be performed once a year.

Receipt of the TRP does not cause an obligation for an investor to become as a Latvian tax resident.

Terms and conditions for issue of the Temporary Residence Permit in Latvia

Upon investing in the immovable property in Latvia, which corresponds to the above-mentioned criteria, the TRP may be received by:

Documents necessary for arrangement of the TRP

Additional documents for family members:

Original documents are to be presented, when submitting copies.

Term for review of documents and fees:

Issue of TRP:

Annual registration